Plan My Team

Here’s how we form the best teams, repeatedly

And how you can build your own A.Team in less than 48 hours.


A team formation engine that gets smarter with each team. Every feature in the A.Team platform is designed to promote behavior that unlocks the data we need to form the best possible teams — to help us know and predict who works well with who on what.

We learn who's worked with who on what during onboarding and as new members join the digital guild.
We learn who wants to work with who with Team Picks, a feature for A.Teamers to pick their "dream team" − choosing up to 10 members.
We learn continually from live teams with the Team Pulse which measures the health of a team − providing predictive data for future teams.
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Build your first A.Team in four easy steps:

Step 1: Team Speccing

Tell us what you’re building. Hop on a quick 30 min call with the FormationTeam, to discuss  features, capabilities, and timeline. From there, we'll suggest a team preset with defined roles.

Step 2: Team Drafting

We'll run your team brief through the platform. And within 24 hrs, we’ll form you the dream team — leveraging proprietary data and leading behavioral science which optimize for complementary skills and experiences.

Step 3: Team Review

How does your team look? Your team proposal will include a snapshot of each member's experience, skills, rates, and availability. Make any adjustments you see fit — and remember, you can always scale your team up or down later

Step 4: Team Kick-off

It’s time to deploy your A.Team! We’ll set you up with a dashboard for your mission, where you can easily manage and track your team. We'll coordinate your Team Kickoff to formally brief the team, answer questions, and organize a timeline.

Let's Build a Team

We'll start with your team spec! Tell us which roles you're looking for, tech stack (if you know it), and what you're building.

Let’s Start
Build My Team